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Northgate Holding’s process and proprietary materials solidify and stabilize non-hazardous sludge, soft and/or wet wastes, and liquid wastes economically; improve the structural stability of the solidified waste; and limit the liquid release of the solidified wastes under pressures developed by burial in a landfill.



Northgate Holdings, LLC utilizes a patent pending process of solidification and stabilization of non-hazardous sludge, soft and/or wet wastes, and liquid wastes utilizing bulking agents (such as auto shedder residue), pozzolanic agents, and proprietary materials.  


Our process consists of screening of bulking agents; mechanical conveyance of the screened bulking agents; the mechanical conveyance of pozzolanic agents and proprietary materials to a pug mill for mechanical mixing; the pumping of liquid wastes located in storage tanks to the pug mill; and the mechanical conveyance of sludge, soft and/or wet wastes to the pug mill; and the mechanical conveyance of solidified waste from the pug mill.  


The principal constituents of Northgate Holding’s solidification and stabilization materials consist of a bulking agent, a pozzolanic agent, and Northgate Holding’s proprietary material.  Bulking materials are mechanically screened to remove oversized materials that are not beneficial to the waste bulking process.  Pozzolanic materials are utilized to act as a siliceous pozzolan and provide structural stability to the solidified material.  Northgate Holding’s proprietary material is formulated for each specific waste stream to assist in the waste stabilization process as needed.  Bulking agents, pozzolanic material, and propriety material are added at varying proportions depending on the characteristics of the waste to be solidified.  Mix designs are developed and processing equipment systems are designed for specific waste streams, available bulking agents, and available pozzolanic materials for each project location.  Waste stabilization mix designs are developed to limit liquid release from the solidified material under pressures developed by burial in a landfill. 


Northgate Holding’s process and proprietary materials solidify and stabilize non-hazardous sludge, soft and/or wet wastes, and liquid wastes economically; improve the structural stability of the solidified waste; and limit the liquid release of the solidified waste.


Northgate Holding’s provides on-site laboratory testing services to ensure all solidification and stabilization goals are met.  On-site testing is utilized to finalize solidification mix designs and mix ratios for individual waste streams, bulking agents, and pozzolanic materials.  Once mix designs are determined, on-site testing is performed at regular intervals to confirm solidification and stabilization goals are being met and allow for on-site adjustments to mix ratios as needed.  Liquid release testing can be performed to simulate landfill burial pressures up to 100 PSI.  Mix designs can be adjusted to meet every landfill’s liquid release goals at varying burial pressures. Pocket penetrometer readings can be obtained from the liquid release procedure pressurized cylinder to determine compressive strength of the solidified material under simulated landfill pressures.


Testing services typically performed on the solidified and stabilized waste on-site include:


  • Paint Filter Liquids Test (EPA 9095B).

  • Liquids Release Test (EPA 9096) modified.

  • Compressive Strength Utilizing a Pocket Penetrometer.


Northgate Holdings has modified the EPA Liquids Release Test Procedure to allow for the precise measurement of the volume of liquid released by adding a discharge port and measuring device to the pressure application device.  This allows for the on-site determination of the percentage of liquid release from solidified waste at varying simulated pressure conditions.  


Standard laboratory testing for compressive strength (ASTM D2166-Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil and ASTM D2580-Unconsolidated-Undrained Triaxial Compressive Test on Cohesive Soil) are designed for use on cohesive soils (clay type materials).  Because the solidified and stabilized waste to be tested is not a cohesive soil, these standard laboratory tests can not be affectively performed on most solidified and stabilized waste material.  To determine the compressive strength of the solidified and stabilized waste under simulated landfill conditions, a Pocket Penetrometer is utilized in conjunction with the Liquids Release Test Procedure.  Following completion of the Liquids Release Test, the pressure application device is dismantled and a Pocket Penetrometer is utilized to test the compressive strength of the waste sample contained in the pressure application device.





Corporate Office

1135 Butler Avenue

New Castle, PA 16101


Tel: 724-651-2972


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